How does Learning Differentiate with The Socio-Scientific Issue (SSI) Climate Change Improving Environmental Literacy?
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Climate change is a complex global problem that requires understanding and action from students. Natural and Social Sciences projects can integrate climate change learning with social and scientific contexts. The preliminary study show that students do not yet have the environmental literacy skills needed to support science and technology projects learning. It also shows that students have difficulty understanding the concept of climate change and its implications for the environment. This research aims to determine the effect of differentiated learning with SSI to increase students ' understanding of climate change. The research method used is mixed methods research using the Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods Design method. The research results show that implementing climate change differentiation learning with SSI can improve students ' environmental literacy skills. The results of the one-way ANOVA test have a significance value less than 0.05, where there is an increase after implementing differentiation learning. The findings of this research can integrate climate change learning with social and scientific contexts. SSI can help students understand complex issues that have significant social and scientific impact. This can motivate students to take action to overcome problems as an aspect of environmental literacy skills.
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