Students' Science Literacy Profile in Terms of Argumentation Competence on Ecosystem Material
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Current curricula integrate technological skills, knowledge, abilities, and competencies, as well as skills and attitudes, with reading and writing teaching. As a result, information and communication technology is crucial to the implementation of a typical curriculum. Students in Indonesia generally have a low level of science literacy. Therefore, this study aims to test the availability of science literacy skills of high school students. The sample selected for this study was a student of 7 grader consisting of 34 people. The methodology used in this study is descriptive-quantitative research, where this study uses descriptives, such as size, quantity, or frequency in its range. The instrument used in this study is a double-selection test, consisting of six subjects according to the competence indicator of science literacy ability. In this study it was found that the achievement of scientific literacy competence aspects of competence on indicators explain the phenomena scientifically categorized very well, then the ability on the indicator to evaluate and design scientific research categorized well. So, it can be concluded that the average literacy of science on the overall aspect of competence is in good category.
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