Artificial Intelligence Technology Embedded in High School Science Learning: A Study of Teacher Perception

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Oktian Fajar Nugroho
Lisna Hikmawaty
Silvia Ratna Juwita


This study examines teachers' perceptions and acceptance of using artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the teaching of Sciences (IPA) in Vocational High Schools (SMK). Based on quantitative and qualitative data, the results indicate that the understanding and use of AI in teaching are still limited. Quantitative data were collected through a structured questionnaire to assess teachers' knowledge, confidence, and AI usage frequency, while qualitative data were obtained through in-depth interviews exploring their views and challenges. Although some teachers see the great potential of AI in enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes, various obstacles such as lack of training and technological infrastructure hinder optimal implementation. This articles also offers strategic recommendations for integrating AI into the science curriculum in vocational schools. Although AI has significant potential in vocational science education, its effective implementation is hindered by limited teacher training and infrastructure, necessitating strategic improvements to fully leverage AI's benefits in schools.

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How to Cite
Nugroho, O. F., Hikmawaty, L. ., & Juwita, S. R. . (2024). Artificial Intelligence Technology Embedded in High School Science Learning: A Study of Teacher Perception. Pedagonal : Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, 8(2), 132–143.


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