How does Low-Carbon Education Developed in Indonesia? Bibliometric Analysis
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The increasing urgency of climate change necessitates a transformative approach to education that integrates sustainability into curricula. Low-Carbon Education (LCE) emerges as a vital framework aimed at fostering awareness and actions that contribute to reducing carbon emissions. This paper aims to explore the trend of low-carbon education in the world particularly in Indonesia, explore its current implementation possibilities, and identify strategies to improve its effectiveness in promoting a sustainable future. This research used bibliometric analysis which is systematic study employing statistical methods to examine bibliographic data. The first step is defining the research objective which consist of trend of low-carbon education in the world particularly in Indonesia, those research objective needs the data of author, citation, country in the publication pertaining low carbon education. Then search the article as data collection from Scopus. In the website Scopus, we search in search document. It found 568 documents. After that, data cleaning and preprocessing by selecting the criteria to meet more results accuracy for low carbon education by selected limit to all open access, by document type: article and conference paper, and range year only 10 years, from 2014-2024. Then the amount of article pertaining low carbon meet 246 documents. This will be proceeded in data analysis process by using a tool, VOSviwer. From that tool, it revealed the results with visualization presentation. The result described that the development of low carbon education research are increase by year and its research still a few in Indonesia, so the researcher has possibility to be researched.
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